Rollicking Reader Report

Rollicking readers - doesn't that sound intriguing?

Rollicking Readers Book Club was started by my friend Darlene and me after we each watched the film Jane Austen Book Club. Despite our mutual dislike of the movie, we felt motivated to start our own club.

One Austen work per month was our goal. Finished thus far? Emma, Persuasion, and Pride and Prejudice. Next up is Mansfield Park. Before this I'd only read Pride and Prejudice (which I adore). To be honest, I am finding most of Austen's other works to be a bit stultifying, but the company is great and the stories are romantic. Our meetings also include a viewing of the film version of each book and a lot of sassy conversation, as well as snacks! How can it go wrong?

Our original intent was to read all of Austen's works; there are only six. But we're having so much fun, that we've already talked about what to do once we've made it through all of those. We intend to continue with other classics.

Nine or ten women have attended each month and we are becoming fast friends. If you live nearby, I invite you to join us! If not, then I challenge you to start your own book club - you don't know how much fun you're missing!


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