A to Z Website Meme
Found this meme on my friend Penny 's blog. Each letter is to stand for websites, urls, etc, that you frequent. This should be interesting... A - Agent Query B - Blogger C - Cake Wrecks D - Dressup Me (Suzy goes here) E - Enchanted Serenity of Period Films F - Facebook G - Gmail H - Homeschool Freebie of the Day I - Image search @ Google J - Janet Evanovich K - Keep Vid L - Lego (that'd be my sons) M - Michigan Works! N - Netflix O - Oakland Comm. College Job Postings P - Picasa Q - Query Shark R - Retail Me Not (coupon code site) S - Sparkpeople T - Tracfone U - Upside Down Text V - Voyages of the Artemis (Diana Gabaldon's blog) W - Weather X - Xboxwife Y - Youtube Z - Zazzle (to find fan-made tee's and other items) Now, I better go get some REAL work done! lol