December Reads

Well, this post is a little late, but I didn't read too much in December anyway.

Not Ready for Mom Jeans by Maureen Lipinski - 12/9/2010
Fair - Chick Lit
Immature and pretentious Clare Finnegan has her 1st baby and can't decide whether to remain at her job as an event planner or to stay home with her baby.
This was not a book I'd recommend. I did not like Clare at all and by the end, I didn't care if her baby was ever around her.

Juliet by Anne Fortier - 12/23/2010
Excellent - Historical Fiction
Julie Jacobs travels to Siena, Italy to track down her parents' mysterious deaths and gets caught up in a modern Romeo and Juliet mystery.
Excellent book recommended to ME by my friend Cathy. I think you'd all love it! Well-written, suspenseful, and not your normal storyline at all.

Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella - 12/24/2010
Good - Chick Lit
Lexi wakes up in hospital with amnesia for the last three years and doesn't recognize the person she's become.
Again - another main character I didn't like much. She was not as bad as Clare from the earlier book, but Lexi was shallow and her morals were questionable. I have only read one Kinsella book that I enjoyed (NOT one of the Shopaholics) but if you like the Shopaholic series, you may enjoy this.


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