IMDB Top 250

I've been poking around on IMDB and found out that they have a list of the 250 top rated movies.

I thought it would be interesting to peruse the list. Many foreign films are listed and I don't see many of those, but here are a few of the highly rated movies I have actually seen.

#8 Empire Strikes Back
#9 Casablanca
#11 Star Wars
#12 Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (Yes! Cha-ching!)
#17 Raiders of the Lost Ark
#19 Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (Ooh yeah!)
#29 Lord of the Rings: Two Towers (Completing the trilogy!)
#31 It's a Wonderful Life (I adore this movie!)
#33 The Matrix (If you haven't seen it, you ought to! Several times, if necessary, to comprehend it!)
#50 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (WHAT?! lolol This movie does NOT belong on this list!)
#55 The Shining
#63 Saving Private Ryan
#64 Forrest Gump (I do NOT see the appeal of this movie. Sorry!)
#85 Amadeus
#89 The Prestige
#91 Jaws
#99 Braveheart
#102 Batman Begins
#103 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
#108 Return of the Jedi
#109 Wizard of Oz
#113 Back to the Future
#114 Fargo
#115 Ratatouille (Is this the first animated movie on the list? Ratatouille? For heaven's sake!)
#118 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
#127 The Green Mile (just watched this last weekend!)
#132 Ben-Hur
#134 The Sixth Sense
#138 Platoon
#142 The Incredibles (Oh now, come on! This was WAY better than the rat movie.)
#143 Finding Nemo (Fishies are cuter than rats, aren't they? And the sea turtles! Come on!)
#152 Princess Bride (Inconceivable!)
#156 Crash
#164 Gandhi
#165 The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
#174 Gone with the Wind (Way down at #174???)
#178 Into the Wild (Who is doing this rating anyway???)
#181 Groundhog Day
#189 Toy Story
#198 Glory
#204 Spartacus
#206 Lion King
#222 Big Fish (hated this!)
#224 Toy Story 2
#226 A Christmas Story (I don't see the appeal here either.)
#229 Mystic River
#250 Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl (Jen, I can see you fuming from here!)

I didn't mean to do the whole list! I couldn't stop myself. Maybe I should go to bed!

I've seen 47 of the top 250 movies rated at IMDB. That's not even 1/5. If they didn't count the foreign language films, I bet my ratio would be higher.

Ok, to my pillow I go!


Niffercoo said…
Wrong... just wrong. All of it!

::shakes head::


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