July Reads

Hamlet SmartPass Plus Audio Education Study Guide to Hamlet (Dramatised, Commentary Options) (Unabridged) by  ‎ William Shakespeare, Simon Potter - 7/24/2014
Excellent - Classic - Audio 7 hr 42 min
The multi award-winning SmartPass study guide with and without commentary options. This is a full-cast, unabridged performance with comprehensive commentary and analysis for any student to fully understand and appreciate the play. Universally accepted as Shakespeare's finest play, we peel back the layers of Hamlet to discover how and why it deserves such a place of honour in world literature.
I adore Hamlet. These SmartPass audios are wonderful for understanding the finer points and cultural references in the plays. 

How to Travel the World for FREE by Michael Wigge - 7/25/2014
Good - Non-fiction - 152 pages - Print
One Man, 150 Days, Eleven Countries, No Money! Michael Wigge traveled from Germany to Antartica starting with no money at all.
Very interesting account of how this dude charmed and scammed his way around the world.

Hamlet: A Novel by John Marsden - 7/29/2014
Fair - Young Adult - 229 pages - Print
Novelization of the classic Shakespearean play
A couple book club friends and I decided to read the novelization of Hamlet, but little did we know there is more than one choice! So, I read this (lackluster) version and they read another.


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