February Reads

... then just stay fat. by Shannon Sorrels -2/1/2013
Good - Non-fiction 120 pages, Kindle
A no-nonsense in-your-face guide to the only true way to lose weight - eat less, move more.
Blunt and motivating. Kindle freebie.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling - 2/1/2013
Excellent - Children's 341 pages, Audio
Re-read - In Harry's second year at Hogwarts, someone is turning Hogwarts students to stone. When a friend is accused, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are determined to find out the truth about the Chamber of Secrets.
Yes, I am re-reading the Harry Potter series within a year of my first reading. Since my time is limited, I am listening to the audiobook.

The Last Runaway by Tracy Chevalier - 2/21/2013

Excellent - Historical Fiction 305 pages, Print
Honor Bright, a Quaker, travels to America in 1850 and finds herself enmeshed in the slavery debate. Does she act on her principles and help slaves along the Underground Railroad or does she bow to the wishes of her family and religious community?
I enjoy Chevalier's historical novels and this one was no exception.

The Diet Dropout's Guide to Natural Weight Loss: Find Your Easiest Path to Naturally Thin by Stan Spencer - 2/28/2013
Good - Non-fiction 152 pages, Kindle
Dr. Spencer explains why we gain weight and why the fat lost by dieting almost always comes back. He then presents an array of practical weight loss tools for controlling emotional eating, calming cravings, boosting metabolism, and improving nutrition and exercise. In the final chapter he has you create a natural weight loss plan based on your unique set of needs, abilities, and preferences. Simple recipes are provided for weight loss foods that reduce cravings and prolong satisfaction.  (from Amazon.com)
Kindle freebie.


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