Upcoming Movies

I wrote this post for an email list and then - DING - a lightbulb moment! I can post this to my sadly neglected media review blog! So here you go.....

I saw Prince Caspian with my kids a couple weeks ago. Liked it. First one was better. (NOTE - Yeah, I know I owe y'all a review!)

Wanted to take them to see Nim's Island, but wanted to read the book to them first. Now have read the book; need to make time to see the movie IF I can still find it showing somewhere.

No plans to see Indiana Jones in the theatres, although I may be persuaded at some point if there is time (short supply here, except at 2 am). DVD will be good enough for me. I think.

Ironman is on the list to see, since my oldest (David is THIRTEEN now) wants to see it VERY BADLY. I guess I can suffer through Robert Downey, Jr. (Very Big Grin)

Let's see.... what else?

For some odd reason I REALLY want to see Speed Racer. It tanked and got terrible reviews. But I still wanna see it. No tangible reason why either.

I want to see Mamma Mia - ABBA and Colin Firth. 'Nuff said. :-) Comes out in July, as does the next Batman. The Dark Knight is definitely on my list. It doesn't look to be an easy movie to watch though, does it?

Other movies coming out this year that I have an interest in:
Accidental Husband 8-08 (Oh, look! It's Colin Firth again.)
The Clone Wars 8-08 (Pretty sure my boys are going to beg for this one)
Time Traveler's Wife 11-08 (read the book and it's excellent!)
Quantum of Solace 11-08 (James Bond)
Twilight 12-08 (read the book and I think I'll like the movie more)

Get Smart and Wall-E both look intriguing. Brendan Fraser has a couple of movies coming out (Journey to the Center of the Earth and a Mummy sequel).

Keanu is in a movie coming out in December - a remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still. I have no concept of what it will be about, nor if I will bother to see it. Did not make the effort to see Street Kings. (Yep, can you believe it? I declined a film starring Keanu Reeves.)

OK, my outlook went way beyond summer! LOL

Here's an interesting "article" and some pics. 41 Reasons We're Psyched About Summer

Your "Shallow Moviegoer" Reviewer


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