4 Camping Novels

While camping I read 3-1/2 novels. Finished the 4th one when I came home.

Here they are, in the order I read them, and incidentally also from worst to best.

The Cure - David Shobin
- Dr realizes drug is causing terrible side effects
This predictable book was not nearly as enjoyable as I had hoped it would be. Far better examples of the medical mystery genre (best exemplified by Robin Cook) are easily found. The characters were not believable and the plot itself was quite far fetched. However, I did enjoy reading it, probably mostly because I actually got to "Read A Book" for the first time in ages!

Summer Island - Kristin Hannah - Famous mom's relationship with her daughters
My next choice was Summer Island. About 70 pages in, I realized I had read the book before. I imagine that it was possibly a Reader's Digest Condensed Book, which I read a lot of a few years back. This one made me cry a lot, but some of the underlying themes made me wary. (Example: Homosexuals in long term monogamous relationships)

Manhattan is My Beat - Jeffery Deaver - Imaginative video store clerk solves a mystery
This one was much more enjoyable. I love everything I have read by Deaver, but I do prefer his Lincoln Rhyme series. This novel was a stand alone novel, and it contained a twist I didn't see coming! LOVE THAT!

The Genesis Code - John Case - PI's sister and nephew are murdered and he uncovers a conspiracy
This was the best of the lot. I didn't choose it first because I didn't expect it to be as good as the others, but I was surprised. Although some things seemed predictable, I did NOT expect the final conclusions. The ending seemed a little contrived and even too quickly resolved, but the novel on the whole was entertaining and the characters were nicely done.

I am now reading A Mom Just Like You by Vicki Farris a non fiction homeschooling book by a mom of 10. I am almost done, so review will come soon.

Also planning to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on Friday night, so my review of that will appear soon. I am reading this novel to the kids, as well.


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