
Showing posts from August, 2005

Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Let me preface this by saying that I am not really a huge Star Wars fan. Yes, I saw the first Trilogy (oddly called Episodes 4,5, & 6) in the theatres when they came out. In fact, I remember my sister and I begging my dad to let us PUH-LEEEEZE go see Star Wars when it was HELD! OVER! 52 WEEKS! Everyone we knew had seen it, except us. So we finally got to do it. Must have been 1978. I didn't really like the looks of Episode 1 when it came out a couple years ago. That Darth Maul.... :::shudders::: Ew..... And why would anyone need the backstory anyway? *shrug* But then I realized I had a son who was more into Star Wars than he was into Lord of the Rings. (How did that happen, you ask? I am in no way responsible. I did everything in my albeit limited powers to influence him the other way.) So, he missed Episodes 1 and 2 in the theatre, due to me, but ended up watching them on DVD. And of course, he loved them. So when Episode 3 came out, he begged and begged. It's PG-13, I sai...

Ocean's Twelve (2004)

Ocean's Twelve was one of the most interminably tiresome movies I have ever watched. I didn't even bother to finish it. (Which is really so unlike me!) I turned it off 10 minutes before the end (Thank God for that feature on DVD - to know how much more is in the movie) because whatever happened at the end held not the slightest bit of significance to me. The only part I thought was interesting was when Julia Roberts as Tess was pretending to be Julia Roberts and Bruce Willis showed up. I also liked some of the camera techniques. Catherine Zeta-Jones was totally unbelievable in her role as some sort of European detective. Brad Pitt and George Clooney were nice to look at, but uninteresting otherwise. The rest of the characters were uninspired and one-dimensional. It probably doesn't help that I didn't like Ocean's Eleven either. I don't generally like books or movies where the protagonists are "bad guys". So, I am not sure why I even brought Oc...